Computers are now part of everyday life. For all our children, technology is an essential part of their lives, at home, at play and eventually at work. Computational thinking is a skill children must learn if they are to participate effectively in this digital world. They must also understand the importance of keeping themselves and others safe online and realise their responsibility to ensure this. At Loose, we have bought into a scheme which will equip our learners with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding of computing.
We use Purple Mash as the source of our Computing curriculum. Purple Mash is a fantastic resource which provides well sequenced units of work that ensure children build on prior learning throughout their time here at Loose Primary. Through the Purple Mash programme of study children learn how a wide range of computing systems work. Children look at a wide range of computing systems which includes coding, how to blog, develop their own games, quizzes , spreadsheets, databases, word processing skills and many more. Another important feature of our computing curriculum offer is the focus on e-safety and how to remain safe online in our ever growing digital world.